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Roundtable on Markets and Mandates to drive long-term deployment of CCS

  • Marriott Resort Palm Jumeirah Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates (map)

This event is in collaboration with Oxford Net Zero and Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA).

The CCSA, Oxford Net Zero (University of Oxford), and Carbon Balance invite you to join us for an interactive roundtable to explore the role of markets and mandates in driving the long-term deployment for carbon capture and storage (CCS) to reach net zero by 2050.  

The roundtable will be an opportunity for policy makers, companies and NGOs from around the world to engage with policy development on enduring CCS regimes. Key topics include how mandate approaches such as a carbon takeback obligation could be implemented, what the concerns and questions are from stakeholders, and what additional measures, such as effective carbon markets and low carbon products markets, would be needed to ensure that CCS contributes fully to the aim of ending climate change. 

 Register here if you would like to attend the roundtable.

8 December

Fossil Fuels in a Net Zero World: A Dialogue across Three Perspectives